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P-Bass Makeover 2013

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I have decided to refinish my P-Bass, and after that, I will touch up and refine the look of my Jazz Fretless.
I created a new logo so the 2 basses will compliment each other, incorporating the original serial numbers of the original basses. The new design and updates I have decided to incorporate into the P-Bass will also make the 2 basses a matched pair.
Since my Jazz Bass is finished in dark wood, I decided to finish the P-Bass in light wood.
The Chrome control knobs are being replaced with Maple knobs. The white pickguard is being cut down to be more like an “electronics cover” to show off more of the wood on the bass body.
I am changing the pickup covers from the original black to new white covers to match the pickguard and the lighter overall color of the wood.
Pics of the progress to come…

Removing the black paint.

UPDATE: Sanding the body.

UPDATE: 3/19 – Almost done sanding + New Replacement Parts.


Original Crooked Neck. Twisted and Bowed beyond repair.

NEW Neck has Arrived!

Starting to poly!!!!

Done with the Polyurethane!
Another couple days to finish curing, then it gets polished, then RECONSTRUCTION! Yeah!
Of course, I still have to drill 16 holes tiny in the headstock for the tuners, another on the front of the headstock for the string tree, and one more hole drilled on the body for the electronics cover, also have to countersink the white cover so the new screw position goes flush.
I’m ready to play my shiny Maple P-Bass!

I didn’t take pics during construction, but here’s the final pics.

Well it WAS finished, but I have decided to change the pickguard. The pickup area was routed too large and I don’t like the gaping holes around them. Sooo, I picked up a new pickguard and am re-configuring it. Not sure if I will just do the previous design that went around the pickups or something more artsy.

Check out my Video Post for more details and to see the finished P-Bass close up.

2 thoughts on “P-Bass Makeover 2013”

  1. Hi Mark, I came across your post as was trying to find out how come the Squier I just bought have 21 frets. I’ve got the same bass as you did this past weekend for $70 bucks, except the color is kind of dark red and the neck plate says made in China. I was looking for a project bass and wanted a P bass to do that. It came to me super beaten up all greasy and scratched, it took me over 3 hours to clean it up. Surprisingly even with the old strings that came with after I adjusted the rod and the bridge it sounded very good. I compared with my fender jazz and sounded really good when side by side.
    I decided to redo the headstock and I’m about to install the Fender 62 pickups and change the pots. Can’t wait to see how will sound. Do you happen to know what kind of wood this bass is made of? I did some reasearch and someone said it is alder. Have no idea but it seems as solid as the fender I have, which is alder.
    Congrats with your bass make over it looks really great. I’ll leave mine as a natural relic with dents and scratches at least for now. If you have a chance to reply I’d appreciate. Thanks for your time.

    1. Hey Mauro!
      Thanks for stopping by!
      Normally, these basses are made from either Ash or Alder wood. Alder has a tighter grain and is used more for painted finishes where the wood is covered completely, but there are always exceptions. Ash has a wider grain and is used more for translucent finishes where the grain shows through and has a more visibly distinct grain.
      Congrats on your find and good luck with your project! It can be a lot of fun and rewarding to play the result of all your efforts.

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