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Here are some of my songs:
I am continually working on recording many more of them, so please check back or follow me on Twitter for timely updates.
I have written a little about each song below the player, you can scroll down to see my comments.
If you would like to leave your own comment about any of my songs, please feel free to do so.

Christmas In The Air
Initially, I set about recording this song that I wrote a few years ago, to enter into a contest. My vocalist fell through, but I eventually convinced my wife to sing it just in time for Christmas. I need to redo this song. Bass was played on a keyboard.

I Fall In Love Again
This is a song I recorded for my wedding in 2003. I went into the small studio with my fretless bass in hand three days before the event. I recorded every track beginning with the drums and finishing with the tambourine track. The only accent not played by me was the guitar-sounding leads, they were played on a keyboard by the studio owner/engineer.

Did You Ever Wonder Why
This song was originally written as a tribute to Andy Rooney, it was an instant inspiration from a Facebook post. Now it seems more like a philosophical question, but it’s still a tribute to Andy Rooney. 😀
**BONUS: This song exhibits the sound of my newly renovated P-Bass.

Jen’s Song 01
This song was an emotional response to my wife, written and recorded in a matter of a few minutes. She had posted a song for me on Facebook and I thought I could explain my feelings better in my own words than by copying someone else’s song and posting it. This was the result. (Fretless Bass)

If My People (2 Chronicles 7:14)
This is a song that God gave me, calling out to His people to just turn away from everything else in their lives and turn to Him. Trust in Him, have Faith in Him and DO what He says in His word and He will fulfill all His promises to you. (Fretless Bass)

I Will Bless the Lord (from Psalms 34)
This song was a Prophetic Fusion jam with some friends we called “Thaire” as a group. I have some recordings from the band and with this one I heard the Psalmist saying the words in my head and recorded the words at home long after the jam session. It’s a little raw, but that’s what I like about it. I am playing my (former) Fender Jazz 5-string bass on the original recording. (5-String MIM Fender Jazz Bass)

I Am A Good Thing
Before you think anything, this has NOTHING to do with a popular TV personality who uses that phrase. It was written as a song for someone else to sing on a TV show. The intention is to show a confidence in who the person now is, and expand on their life’s path to get to their current position of success.
It’s extremely rough and wasn’t done with professional equipment, except for the current MP3. I took the file I found and brought it into ProTools to bring up the volume, add some Compression and a little EQ as well. Hope you like it. Only instrument is an old acoustic guitar.

Fear Not
Another very roughly recorded song written on the spur-of-the-moment in 2008 in response to an interaction with a fellow Christian who only wanted an emotional rant instead of a reasoned discussion. Another song in dire need of a remake. (Fretless Bass)

Hallelujah (Selah) Instrumental
This is a song I recorded a few years ago as a meditation instrumental in Logic Pro 9. It is entirely done on a MIDI keyboard. I can’t currently access the original files, so it is a remix of an MP3 I made at that time.

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